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Sale of loose soybeans oil banned, campaign from 1 August

28 July 2023, 9:09 PM

Dhaka, Bangladesh Global: As per the government decision, sale of loose soybean oil will not be allowed after 31 July, as “it is not healthy and remains vitamins-deficient”, said Directorate of Consumers’ Rights on Wednesday.

It will go on a campaign to ensure the ban on its sales from 1 August, reports news agency UNB.

The director general of the Directorate of National Consumers Right Protection (DNCRP) AHM Shafiquzzaman informed newspersons of this at an awareness workshop on the Consumer Rights Protection Act, 2009 and price hike of goods at the Economic Reporters Forum (ERF) Auditorium on Wednesday.

He said, according to the law, packaged soybean oil must be sold from 1 August, and loose oil cannot be sold. The DNCRP will go into action at the field level to stop the sale of loose soybean oil.

This campaign will be conducted simultaneously across the country, while the National Heart Foundation will support consumer rights in the campaign, he said.

Mizanur Rahman, professor of marketing department at Dhaka University, was present in the programme as the chief guest, while ERF president Mohammad Refayet Ullah Mridha presided over the function.

Earlier on 20 July last year, the Ministry of Commerce took a decision that after 31 July, 2023, loose soybean oil cannot be sold in the market. In light of the decision of the Ministry of Commerce, the DNCRP will launch an operation to stop the sale of loose soybean oil.

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