Dhaka      Monday, 08 July, 2024

RU students take position on Dhaka-Rajshahi highway

04 July 2024, 1:12 PM

Dhaka, Bangladesh Global: Rajshahi University (RU) students are staging demonstration on the Dhaka-Rajshahi highway to press home their four-point demands, including the cancellation of the quota system in government jobs and the retention of merit-based recruitment circulars.

Around 10:30am, some students brought out a procession from Paris Road near the university. Several other from different halls also joined with them. And, later, they took position in front of the main gate of the university on the Dhaka-Rajshahi highway.

Minhajul, a student of the Islamic Studies Department of the univercity, said, "We do not want the quota system in the country. Quota system does not evaluate actual merit. Let the student be evaluated through merit. Our movement is not only for us, this movement is for the next generation."

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