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Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury attends IPU concluding session

28 March 2024, 10:50 PM

News Desk, Bangladesh Global: Speaker of the Jatiya Sangsad Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury, gave her speech in the concluding session of the 148th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) on Wednesday at Geneva in Switzerland. IPU president Tulika Ackson, secretary general Martin Chungong and representatives from different countries were also present at the session.

Dr Shirin said it was a delightful experience to preside over the Asia-Pacific group meeting at the 148th IPU assembly held at Geneva in Switzerland on March 23. “I am very much delighted for taking responsibility for Chairmanship of the Asia-Pacific group for one year”, Dr Shirin Sharmin told the session.

A total of 32 countries from the Asia-Pacific group were present at the meeting and they agreed on all the agendas based on mutual understanding.

Members of the parliamentary representatives, which include Chief Whip Nur-E Alam Chowdhury, Shafiqul Islam MP, Mahbub Ur Rahman MP, Shahdara Mannan MP, Nilupher Anjum MP, HM Badiuzzaman MP, M Mujibul Huq MP, Akhtaruzzaman MP and Senior Secretary of the Parliament Secretariat K M Abdus Salam, among others, were attended.

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