Dhaka      Sunday, 29 September, 2024

“Concert for Bangladesh” Held in Houston to Raise Funds for Rehabilitation of July Uprising Victims

23 September 2024, 11:27 AM

Entertainment Desk, Bangladesh Global: On September 21, 2024 (5 PM U.S. time) and September 22, 2024 (3 AM Bangladesh time), expatriate Bangladeshis in Houston, Texas, organized the "Concert for Bangladesh" to raise funds for the rehabilitation of victims of the July Uprising. The event took place at the Student Center Theater at the University of Houston, with all proceeds directed towards the rehabilitation efforts of Naripokkho, a prominent NGO in Bangladesh.

The concert began with a tribute to the martyrs and the injured of the July Uprising, affirming solidarity for their treatment and future rehabilitation. Musician Babna Karim delivered a powerful opening speech, followed by a visual presentation of poet Mosharraf Hossain Patwary Nahid’s poem, “Opargotar Glani” (The Shame of Helplessness), dedicated to the selfless fighters and martyrs of the anti-discrimination movement. The presentation was produced by Cool Exposure and featured an emotional recitation by Sagar Sen, set to the evocative background music of renowned flutist Ustad Azizul Islam. The audience was deeply moved by the performance.

Additionally, a special documentary was screened in memory of the martyrs of the July Uprising. Naripokkho founder Shireen Huq joined via Zoom, expressing her gratitude to the expatriate community for organizing the concert. She shared her team’s experiences from the past month, working tirelessly to aid the injured.

The musical segment of the concert then took off, featuring stellar performances by popular Houston-based bands such as "Houston Jam Session," "Octave," and "Kuhu & Friends," electrifying the audience with their lively performances.

The concert concluded with a joint performance by all bands of the iconic song “Dhono Dhanno Pushpo Bhora, Amader Ei Bosundhara” (Our Blessed Earth), a deeply emotional moment for the audience. Many stood with hands on their hearts, while others were visibly moved to tears, singing along with full emotion.

The event successfully raised $15,000, which will be handed over to Naripokkho for use in the treatment and rehabilitation of the victims.

Bangladesh Global/JS

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