Dhaka      Sunday, 23 June, 2024

MP Anwarul Azim brutally killed in a flat in India: Home Minister

22 May 2024, 6:26 PM

Dhaka, Bangladesh Global: Anwarul Azim Anar, the lawmaker from Jhenaidah-4 constituency, who went to India for treatment, was brutally killed at a flat in New Town, near Kolkata, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan said today.

“The information we have so far is that the people of our country are involved in the killing,” he said while speaking at a press briefing held at his Dhanmondi residence.

Based on information from Indian police, Bangladesh police arrested three people while they are also trying to arrest others.

Asked whether the murder of MP Anar would impact relations with India, the minister said, “We have friendly relations with India. They helped us in every way. There was nothing that would deteriorate the relationship with them. No one from India is involved.”

Responding to a question about recovery of the body, Asaduzzaman refused to reveal any information for the sake of the investigation.

“All information including the motive of the murder, where the murder occurred, and who were involved in it, we will let you (journalists) know,” he said.

Indian police confirmed that he was killed at a flat in Kolkata, said the minister.

The home minister said Jhenaidah is a violence-prone area and Anar was also elected MP in the recent election.

The murder took place after he went to India for treatment, he said, adding, “Our police are investigating the matter. We will be able to unearth the motive of the murder soon. Indian police are also working to find out who is involved in the murder. We are taking measures that need to be adopted internationally.”

Anar went to India for medical treatment on May 11. He maintained contact with his family members till May 14. Since then his phone remained switched off.

MP Anar's wife and daughters went to the DB office in Dhaka on Sunday (May 19).

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