Dhaka      Wednesday, 03 July, 2024

China Coast Guard assists Filipino fishermen injured in South China Sea

01 July 2024, 12:26 PM

News Desk, Bangladesh Global: An aerial drone photo taken on June 29, 2024 shows the China Coast Guard assisting injured Filipino fishermen in waters adjacent to China's Huangyan Dao.

The China Coast Guard (CCG) on Saturday assisted two Filipino fishermen injured in waters adjacent to China's Huangyan Dao in the South China Sea, the CCG announced on Sunday.

The Filipino fishermen sustained injuries when an engine exploded on their boat, and their situation became dire. As soon as they were spotted, two CCG vessels patrolling the area approached the site, prepared a lifeboat, and dropped buoys and life jackets to the sea.

The CCG later informed the Philippine side about the incident, it said, adding that the Philippine vessel expressed gratitude for CCG's act of humanitarianism via radio.(China.org.cn)

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