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Xi Jinping holds talks with Vladimir Putin on SCO sidelines in Kazakhstan

04 July 2024, 1:29 PM

International Desk, Bangladesh Global: Chinese President Xi Jinping met his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin for the second time in less than two months on Wednesday, making him the world leader with the most frequent contact with the isolated Russian strongman.

Xi and Putin met in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit, which both leaders are attending.

It was the fifth face-to-face meeting between the two men since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and the second since Putin was re-elected in March.

In May, during Putin’s visit to China, both leaders vowed to deepen the “comprehensive strategic partnership” between China and Russia, including strengthening defence and military ties.

At Astana, Xi spoke highly of Putin’s visit in May, saying that it provided important planning for the next step in the development of relations and that the implementation of cooperation in various areas were “progressing steadily along the established track”.

Xi said the two countries should continuously “nurture the unique value of China-Russia relations and explore the endogenous dynamics of cooperation” in the face of a chaotic international situation and external environment, state broadcaster CCTV reported.

“We must make efforts to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the two countries and defend the basic principles of international relations,” Xi told Putin.

Putin hailed the “golden age” of the bilateral ties, an era “being built on the principles of equality, mutual benefit and respect for each other’s sovereignty”, according to Russia’s state TASS news agency.

“We have stated that Russian-Chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation are in the best period of their history,” he said, recalling the “warm welcomes” he received in the northeastern city of Harbin and “substantial talks” with Xi.

Two weeks ago, Putin also visited Vietnam and North Korea; during his trip to Pyongyang, he signed a mutual military aid agreement with that nation’s leader Kim Jong-un.

At the same time, China has expanded its presence in Central Asia, traditionally part of Russia’s sphere of influence.

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