Dhaka      Sunday, 07 July, 2024

If Israel invades Lebanon, Iran will side with Hezbollah

03 July 2024, 12:28 PM

International Desk, Bangladesh Global: Iran has warned Israel about launching a ground attack against Lebanon. Tehran said that if Israel launched a military attack on Lebanon, all resistance groups in West Asia, including Iran, would fight for Israel. Kamal Kharraji, Iran's influential diplomat and chairman of the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations, voiced this warning in an interview with the British daily Financial Time.
He said that if Israel invades Lebanon, a regional war will start and then Tehran and the Axis of Resistance will use their "all forces" to defeat Israel. However, Iran's former foreign minister Kharrajhi expressed his opinion that Iran is "not willing at all" for a regional war. So he called on the United States to rein in Israel.
Asked whether Iran would directly support Hezbollah in the event of an "all-out war" in Lebanon, Kharrajhi said, "In that case, all Lebanese citizens, all Arab countries and the Axis of Resistance will support Lebanon against Israel." He also said, "Then there will be a danger of war spreading in the entire Middle East region and in that case, every country including Iran will be involved in that war."
bangladesh global/RT

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