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Rohingyas trying to enter Bangladesh

12 February 2024, 12:46 PM

News Desk, Bangladesh Global: Rohingya people from Myanmar are waiting along the border to enter Bangladesh as conflict rages in their country.

Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) members remain on high alert to stymie any attempt by Rohingyas to enter Bangladesh illegally.

Local public representatives said around 200 Rohingyas on several boats are waiting on the other side of Naf river to infiltrate into Bangladesh.

On 6 February, law enforcers arrested 23 armed Rohingyas along the border at Rahmater Beel area in Cox’s Bazar’s Ukhiya. Remand hearing of these Rohingyas are supposed to take place at Cox’s Bazar judicial magistrate court today.

At present, 1.25 million Rohingyas are living in 33 shelter camps in Ukhiya and Teknaf of Cox's Bazar. Of these, 800,000 were displaced in the months after 25 August in 2017 by the persecution of the Myanmar army in Rakhine. Within six years of the influx, a single Rohingya could be sent back to Myanmar.

Meanwhile, the police recovered the body of an unidentified person with helmet, gloves and bullets on his head under a bridge in Balukhali Telipara area of Ukhiya Upazila of Cox's Bazar yesterday afternoon. Another body recovered from the Ukhiya border on Saturday could not be identified. The body was buried as an unidentified person.

Clashes have been taking place between Myanmar’s frontier force Border Guard Police (BGP) and insurgent group Arakan Army on the other side of Naikhongchhari border since 2 February. The Arakan Army has reportedly taken over Tumbru right camps and Dhekibonia border outposts from the BGP. Intermittent firing and shelling have been going on since Sunday night.

Amid the clashes in Myanmar, earlier two people were killed in Bangladesh territory as a mortar shell fell at a kitchen of a house at Jalpaitali village under Ghumdhum union in Naikhongchhari. One of the victims was a Bangladeshi woman while the other was a Rohingya man.

Also, around 330 Myanmar citizens including BGP members and customs officers fled their country and entered Bangladesh. They are currently under the custody of the BGB.

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