Dhaka      Monday, 24 June, 2024

India to lead investigation into MP Anar murder : Home Minister

01 June 2024, 6:23 PM

Dhaka, banladeshGlobal: Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal has said that as the murder of Jhenaidah-4 Member of Parliament Anwarul Azim Anar has taken place in India, the main case has been registered there and they will conduct the main investigation.

He said this in response to questions from journalists after a program organized by Chhatra League at the Dhaka University Student-Teacher Auditorium on Saturday.

The minister said: “India has a prisoner exchange agreement with the United States. So, India will do the main investigation of this murder.

“If this incident happened in our country, our police would have investigated the matter. If India involves us, we will cooperate with them,” he added.

When asked about the fact that one person involved in the murder has fled to Nepal, the minister said: "One person has fled to Nepal. However, it is not possible to say exactly where he is. Investigation is on, all efforts are on to bring him back."

Asked about the corruption of former IGP Benazir Ahmed, he said: "If someone does wrong, then he will be punished according to the laws of Bangladesh. The investigation is going on.

“Whether he is innocent or not, whether he has evaded taxes or accumulated wealth in other ways, it can be said that after the investigation is over, he will be judged accordingly,” he added.

When asked whether the image of the police has been tarnished by such activities of the IGP, the minister said, “No, it is a personal matter. Our police force works a lot. They have risked their lives to face any challenge including counter-terrorism, covid etc.

“Institutions do not take responsibility if an individual commits a crime,” he added.

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