Dhaka      Sunday, 23 June, 2024

Prices to go down products and services

06 June 2024, 8:57 PM

Dhaka, Bangladesh Global:The prices of many products and services may be costlier or cheaper as Finance Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali on Thursday proposed some changes to tariff on those in the 2024-25 national budget.

There might be decrease in the prices of different products and services, including rice, edible oil, sugar, powdered milk, chocolate, dengue test kits, Kidney treatment, cancer treatment, laptop, electric motor, motorcycle, aircraft engines, propellers, carpet, Swiss-socket, methanol.

Finance Minister is placing Tk 7,97,000 crore national budget for 2024-25 in parliament. The minister started unveiling his as well as the new government's first budget at 3pm. This is the 54th budget of the country.

The FY25 budget is 4.6 per cent bigger than the current one, much lower than the year-on-year average spike of 11 per cent seen in the last five years.

The minister started unveiling his as well as the new government's first budget at 3pm.

This is the 54th budget of the country.

The FY25 budget is 4.6 per cent bigger than the current one, much lower than the year-on-year average spike of 11 per cent seen in the last five years.

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