Dhaka      Sunday, 23 June, 2024

Wait 6 months for measures to take effect against inflation': Finance minister

07 June 2024, 8:39 PM

Dhaka, Bangladesh Global: The country must wait for 6 months to bring inflation under control, Finance Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali said today (7 June).

"The government is doing everything to control inflation and it will begin to decline by the end of this year, in line with the measures taken in the budget," the finance minister said while speaking at the post-budget press conference held at the Osmani Memorial Auditorium in the capital.

He said that keeping in mind controlling inflation, the size of the national budget has been reduced.

In reply to a query, the minister said the inflation is limited to the 9% range due to the steps taken by the Awami League government.

"When Awami League came to power, inflation was around 9% in 2009 and it rose to 10% in 2010. However the government managed to bring the inflation under control within two years. Inflation was in the range of 5-6% in the next decade," the minister added.

"We have taken all steps to control inflation, and are thinking about what more we can do to reign in inflation," said the minister while adding that contractionary measures will continue for now.

With an eye towards battling inflation, Finance Minister unveiled the Tk7.97 lakh crore proposed national budget for the fiscal year 2024-25 on Thursday (6 June).

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