Dhaka      Monday, 03 June, 2024

India imposes 3-day ban on Bangladeshi travellers thru Benapole

18 May 2024, 1:31 PM

Dhaka, Bangladesh Global: India imposed a three-day ban on the entry of Bangladeshi passport holders through Benapole border from today due to the ongoing Lok Sabha elections.

However, Bangladeshi passport holders with medical and emergency visas are out of the purview of the restriction.

Officer-in-Charge of Benapole Checkpost Police Immigration, Azharul Islam, said, "Bangladeshi passengers without medical visas cannot travel to India, while only Indian passport holders can return from Bangladesh."

A letter from the Indian Police Immigration confirmed the country's Election Commissioner's decision.

The restriction aims to control the movement of passengers during the election period.

Regular travel activities between the two countries will resume on Tuesday, confirmed Rezaul Karim, Benapole port director.

Sine morning, 280 Bangladeshis on medical visa and 220 Indian passengers entered India through Benapole immigration. On the other hand, 380 Bangladeshi travellers, who visited India on medical visas have returned from India.

The restriction left thousands of passengers stranded at the Benapole port, many of whom have returned home.

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