Dhaka      Thursday, 04 July, 2024

Over 800 tourists stranded in Sajek due to flood

02 July 2024, 12:19 PM

Rangamati, Bangladesh Global: More than 800 tourists are stranded in Sajek after the Baghaichhari-Bahaihat road in Rangamati was submerged by flood water due to incessant rain.

Since 12midnight on Monday (July 1), the road communication with Sajek was suspended after Bailey Bridge collapsed due to the water from the hills in Baghaihat Bazar.

Heavy vehicles have been stopped on the Rangamati-Khagrachhari road due to landslide and waterlogging.

Moti Jay Tripura, asisstant secretary of Sajek Cottage Owners' Association, said, "Around 800 tourists of Sajek were stranded as Machlong bridge submerged by water.

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