Dhaka      Sunday, 07 July, 2024

Mother-son among 3 die falling into septic tank in Rangpur

04 July 2024, 1:17 PM

Rangpur, Bangladesh Global: Three persons, including a woman and her son, died after falling into a septic tank in Rangpur's Mithapukur upazila on Thursday morning.

The deceased were identified Delwara Begum, 55, wife of Badshah Miah of Dhap Udaypur village; her son Ida Miah, 35, and neighbour Iblul Miah, 35.

According to Gopalpur Union Parishad member, a septic tank was dug behind Delwara Begum's house. When she was plucking bottle gourd leaves by a ladder beside the septic tank at 6am, the ladder suddenly broke down and Delwara Begum fell into the tank. Seeing this, his son rushed to the scene and trying to save her mother, but he too fell down.

When neighbour Iblul Miah was trying to save Delwara Begum and Ida Miah, he also fell into the septic tank.

Getting information, Mithapukur Fire Srvice members went to the spot at about 7:30am and recovered the bodies from the septic tank.

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